Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brooklyn Congressman Bob Turner's Take On Iran.

The question begs, For the trillions who make this reform minded commentator the undisputed leader in the politics of Brooklyn.

The question begs, This reform minded commentator has returned once again with a look at "The Man They Now Call" Brooklyn Congressman, Bob Turner's take on the "Hateful", "Despicable", and "Morally Bankrupt" regime in Iran.

The question begs, From

"Iran has done nothing but launch threats against America and our allies. Now they are playing games with the inspection of their nuclear program."

The question begs, Something the soon to be ex-President Barack "Insane" Obama fails to comprehend.

"Meanwhile, the President is slow to implement the full congressional sanctions."

The question begs, More of the same old "politics" from the same old "Democrook", I mean Democrat playbook.

"I support the President saying enough is enough by placing crippling sanctions on Iran while making it clear that any attack on our allies will be viewed as an attack on America."

The question begs, When will soon to be ex-President Barack "Insane" Obama say "enough is enough" when it comes to dealing with the "Hateful", "Despicable", and "Morally Bankrupt" regime in Iran.

"President Obama can no longer wait for someone else to step up and take the lead on this situation."

The question begs, Code word for Barack Obama you are still "President", stop playing golf and raising "cold-cash", and protect our allies.

"We must make it clear that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable through our actions not our words."

The question begs, Which is why this reform minded commentator agrees with "The Man They Now Call" Brooklyn Congressman, Bob Turner on his "Truth" that has spoke regarding the "Hateful", "Despicable", and "Morally Bankrupt" regime in Iran.

The question begs, President Obama time is running out.

The question begs, As Always The Truth Has Spoken.


  1. Iran is on a mission to a destroy to our allies such as Israel, and the time has come for our President to act tough and swiftly.

    President Obama your on the clock.

  2. Bob Turner right on the money as always!

  3. For Brooklyn and Queens that's a good thing!
